At the Maharaja Yadavindra Singh International rummy ares, Punjab Kings (PBKS) were defeated by Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) in their IPL 2024 matchup by an extremely narrow margin of two runs. Hyderabad withstood an uncapped Indian combination of Shashank Singh and Ashutosh Sharma’s late attempt to recover from the 183-run target set by the hosts in Chandigarh. With the PBKS needing to chase down the target with 29 runs remaining off the final six deliveries, Jaydev Unadkat rescued the Sunriers by maintaining his composure.
A fuller delivery outside off by Bhuvneshwar Kumar in the fifth over induced Dhawan to make progress down the dafabet, thereby securing the match’s outcome. Because Dhawan failed to collect the ball while wicketkeeper Heinrich Klaasen was positioned up to the stumps, Klaasen was able to exhibit his lightning-fast reflexes. Klaasen deftly collected the ball and removed the stumps, immediately exhorting Dhawan to return to the pavilion.
As they pursued a target of 183, the Punjab Kings suffered early-game losses due to atypical shot selections. By the end of the sixth over, PUBLS had fallen behind by three runs with a pitiful total of 27 on the board; this constituted the lowest powerplay score of the season.
After Sam Curran and Sikandar Raza had contributed to the innings’s stability with 38 runs, their progress was once again halted by Curran’s dismissal. Raza and Shahashank Singh subsequently took over the innings and advanced it. In an instant, Jitesh Sharma scored 19 runs off of 11 balls in order to gain iplwin momentum and maintain them in the pursuit.
The previous match’s champions, Ashutosh Sharma and Shashank Singh, were on the verge of attaining an extraordinary victory. Ashutosh scored an explosive 33 off 15 balls, surpassing Shashank, who led the group in pursuit with an exceptional 46 off 25 deliveries.